Activated Graphics & AR Projects

City of Adel Activated Mural

This groundbreaking mural covers the side of a Restaurant, spanning over 40 feet. It features interactive elements that invite viewers to engage in a captivating visual experience. Through augmented reality technology developed by VAEZR Studio, visitors can use their smartphones to unlock hidden narratives and animations.

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Iowa State Fair 2023 - Activated Graphics X Lashier Graphics

Murals are a popular photo opp but this 25-foot picture comes with a twist. When fair attendees go to take the image, the mural is activated and comes to life through augmented reality (AR) and activated graphics!

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Iowa State Fair 2023 - Crunchtime X Barksdale Cookies

Discover an unparalleled sensation with Zirous & VAEZR Studio at the Iowa State Fair! Our captivating augmented reality (AR) game, Crunchtime, turned fair goers wait in line into a truly interactive experience where they could help Chip (Barksdale Cookies mascot) collect cookies and milk and avoid vegetables.

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Iowa State Fair 2022 - Blue Ribbon Rescue

The Iowa State Fair’s mascot, Fairfield, went missing, and we were here to help the fair goers find him. VAEZR Studio and Zirous created an augmented reality game similar to Pokemon Go where fair goers could explore the Thrill parks to look for Fairfield.

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Manufacturing Projects

TTR20 Hose Cart

Puck Manufacturing’s goal at trade shows is to find new and innovative ways to draw attention to their booth. VAEZR Studio created a virtual reality (VR) version of the TTR20 Hose Cart, saving Puck time and cost when it comes to trade shows.

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FDIC Showroom

To introduce Puck’s newest line of Industrial Fire Fighting equipment, VAEZR Studio designed a custom virtual reality (VR) firehouse showroom. This experience showcases five of Puck’s new pieces of equipment.

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Zirous Office Tour

This virtual reality (VR) experience allows people to remotely tour a one-to-one replica of the Zirous West Des Moines office in an immersive guided or unguided tour.

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AXE Throwing

This virtual reality (VR) experience is simple but fun as it feels like you are in a real axe-throwing hall. VAEZR Studio created this VR experience to showcase at an Adobe Summit Event.

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Activated Graphics & AR Projects

City of Adel Activated Mural

This groundbreaking mural covers the side of a Restaurant, spanning over 40 feet. It features interactive elements that invite viewers to engage in a captivating visual experience. Through augmented reality technology developed by VAEZR Studio, visitors can use their smartphones to unlock hidden narratives and animations, which respond dynamically to their perspectives and movements.

Iowa state fair 2023 - activated graphics X Lashier Graphics

Murals are a popular photo opp but this 25 foot picture comes with a twist. When fair attendees go to take the image the mural is activated and comes to life through augmented reality (AR) and activated graphics! Through the integration of augmented reality the large-scale art is brought to new heights enhancing the fair goer experience and bringing awareness to the fusion of art and technology.

Iowa State Fair 2023 - Crunchtime x Barksdale Cookies

Discover an unparalleled sensation with Zirous & VAEZR Studio at the Iowa State Fair! 🍪 Our captivating augmented reality (AR) game, Crunchtime, turned fair goers wait in line into a truly interactive experience where they could help Chip (Barksdale Cookies mascot) collect cookies and milk and avoid vegetables. 

Iowa State Fair 2022 - Blue Ribbon Rescue

The Iowa State Fair’s mascot, Fairfield, went missing and we were here to help the fair goers find him. VAEZR Studio and Zirous created an augmented reality game similar to Pokemon Go where fair goers could explore the Thrill parks to look for Fairfield through an augmented reality (AR) game and if they found enough of his hiding spots they had a chance to win small or big prizes.

Manufacturing Projects

TTR20 Hose Cart

Puck Manufacturing’s goal at trade shows and conventions is to find new and innovative ways to draw attention to their booth and showcase their product. VAEZR Studio created a virtual reality (VR) version of the TTR20 Hose Cart which saved Puck time and cost when it comes to trade shows. They are now able to showcase a product to event attendees through virtual reality and save the time and money it would have taken to haul the actual large and heavy machinery to the location.

FDIC Showroom

To introduce Puck’s newest line of Industrial Fire Fighting equipment, they wanted to show off their products in a way that invoked a showroom feel. VAEZR Studio designed and created a custom virtual reality (VR) Puck branded firehouse showroom to do just that. This experience showcases five of Puck’s new pieces of equipment, interactions with 3 of the 5 pieces, and a movie theater to watch all of Puck’s promotional videos. 

Manufacturing Product Showcasing

This demonstration showcases the transformative capabilities of Mixed Reality (MR) as it seamlessly integrates digital objects into the user’s environment, providing an unparalleled level of detail and engagement. By bringing a product into the physical space, users can explore interactive tooltips that unlock more in-depth information about the featured equipment. This innovative approach transcends traditional interaction methods, offering users a heightened experience with the showcased vehicle. The fusion of the virtual and the physical represents a shift in how users engage with and perceive digital content within their physical surroundings.

VAEZR Studio DreamScheme

DreamScheme is a 2D to 3D visualization tool designed to empower users in conceptualizing and crafting potential layouts within personalized spaces such as offices or warehouses. Users can effortlessly sketch layouts, strategically position objects through intuitive drag-and-drop functionality, and subsequently experience a comprehensive 3D representation from both a third-person and first-person perspective. For enhanced customizability, VAEZR collaborates closely with our customers to integrate their proprietary models, ensuring a heightened level of personalization within the space.


Zirous Office Tour

This virtual reality (VR) experience allows people to remotely tour a one-to-one replica of the Zirous West Des Moines office in an immersive guided or unguided tour. This tour features 20 different interactive locations within the Zirous office that highlight what it’s like to work at Zirous as well as other fun easter eggs. 

AXE throwing

This virtual reality (VR) experience is simple but fun as it feels like you are in a real axe-throwing hall. VAEZr Studio created this virtual reality (VR) experience to showcase at an Adobe Summit Event and drive attendance to our booth. Event attendees were able to play this fully immersive game to win a few special prizes. This game has audio and physical feedback via the VR headset and controllers. 

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